Library Instruction - Panther Library Research Portal - LibGuides at Lone Star College-Houston North Skip to Main Content

Panther Library Research Portal

Library Instruction


As of Spring 2022, the LSC Houston North Library offers both in-person and online synchronous and asynchronous options for library instruction.

Explore the links on the flyer below for more information on all modes of library instruction.

When you're ready to request a class session or online support from a librarian, fill out the Library Instruction Form


LSC-Houston North library faculty help students develop information literacy skills for success in college coursework and beyond. 

Our goals include:

  • Teaching students how to navigate the library

  • Assisting students with the research process using both online and print sources

  • Developing students' critical thinking skills in selecting and evaluating information

  • Emphasizing the value of information through academic integrity

  • Guiding ethical use of information through use of citations and other best practices

  • Incorporating the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education into learning outcomes for library instruction projects

Librarians are faculty with knowledge and experience of different pedagogical approaches, active learning, backwards design, and classroom management. We relish the opportunity to work with teaching faculty as full partners in the classroom. 

Contact the Instruction Librarian to learn more about how we can collaborate with you.


The guiding document for teaching information literacy in higher education is the Association of College & Research Libraries' (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.

The ideas underpinning the Framework are metacognition and threshold concepts

Metacognition is thinking and reflecting on your own learning. In the Framework, students are recognized as both content creators and consumers and are encouraged to think about their information behaviors through both lenses. 

There are six threshold concepts in the Framework. Libraries, institutions of higher education, and disciplines may determine other threshold concepts that are central to information use in their field. 

The six threshold concepts are:

  • Authority is Constructed and Contextual

  • Information Has Value

  • Information Creation as a Process

  • Research as Inquiry

  • Scholarship as Conversation

  • Searching as Strategic Exploration

Each concept is defined and described by how novice and expert learners engage with that concept. Each threshold concept includes knowledge practices and dispositions that can be measured by learners who have grasped that concept.

Librarians and faculty can collaborate to create student learning outcomes based on threshold concepts, knowledge practices, and dispositions as a basis for information literacy instruction sessions, active learning activities, and custom learning objects. 

What can they do?


There is a range of collaboration opportunities possible:

Embedded librarians can:

  • Introduce themselves to students as their personal class librarian 
  • Answer student questions via discussion board and email
  • Embed links and resources to help students achieve course objectives
  • Create announcements about upcoming library programs or timely resources
  • Join or hold virtual office hours and attend class WebEx meetings 
  • Teach a synchronous online class session
  • Create and grade assignments/quizzes
  • Embed and administer the library's misinformation tutorial, "Fighting the COVID-19 Infodemic: Four Moves to Find Reliable Sources"


The benefits of embedding a librarian in D2L include:

  • Supplement face-to-face library instruction
  • Reach distance learners more effectively
  • Lower barriers to student / librarian communication
  • Lessen library anxiety and increase confidence in research skills
  • Connections with librarians correlate to student success measures
  • Increase student awareness and use of library resources
  • Recommended resources and research tips provided at the point of need
  • Help instructors review assignments and library resources

How to embed in to D2L


To get started with embedding a librarian, fill out the online course support request form:


  • ​Lead time needed for a librarian to develop content for your class.
  • Teaching Assistant vs Faculty role:
    • Librarians with a Teaching Assistant role don't see students' grades. While TAs can add content, they are limited in the kinds of content they can create (like discussion boards and quizzes). 

    • Librarians with a Faculty role have all the same abilities as the teaching faculty, and can add any type of content, including discussion boards and quizzes. Librarians have a lot more flexibility in a Faculty role and will always safeguard your students' privacy, so please add Librarians as Faculty to your D2L course. 

After discussing your class needs with a librarian, add them to your D2L page. This page in VTAC support explains how:

  1. Log in to VTAC Support area in D2L

  2. In the Self-Service column, under User Access, select ‘Add a User to Your Section.’ Select term, course, and access level. 

  3. Enter username or employee ID# of librarian to search and select their name.

The librarian should see your course once they've logged in to their D2L page.