Textbook Reserves - Business Computer Applications - LibGuides at Lone Star College-Houston North Skip to Main Content

Business Computer Applications

Textbook Reserves - Students

Check If Your Textbook is on Reserve

Search for reserves by item title in the library catalog.

As textbooks are placed on reserve by instructors, students can check out the textbook for use in the library using their student ID or library card. 

Availability will vary by campus library and check-out time is limited to 2 hour increments.

Textbook Reserves - Faculty

Put Items on Course Reserve

Place personally-owned or college-owned books, videos, articles and other materials on reserve for your students at any LSCS library. You may complete a form in person at the library or you can fill out this library reserve request form (PDF) online, save an electronic copy for your files, print it, and take it to the library along with the materials.

Request Library Instruction for Your Class