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Business Computer Applications

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Business Computer Applications Guide


This guide provides resources for the arts. This guide is not a comprehensive list of all of the available resources available to LSC-Houston North students and faculty, but is designed to guide researchers through the research process and provide a starting point for accessing materials.



Background Research

Start your research by doing some background research. Take time to engage in some mind-mapping exercises that will help you identify key subject terms. Encyclopedias and other reference resources can be used to help you refine your subject terms and the citations in these sources can be used to find more information on your topic.

Make a Plan

Consider how much time you have to complete your assignment and how hard it will be to get the resources you need for your topic. If you are finding your research difficult to manage, narrow your topic or break your research down into manageable sub-topics. If you are not finding enough information on your topic, try using broader subject terms.

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Recommended Online Resources

  • Houston Business Journal - free web
    (American City Business Journals, Inc.) Local business news, industry news, and market intelligence for the Greater Houston area. Search back issues from 1996 to the present in their archives.
  • Houston Chronicle free web
    (Hearst Communications Inc.) Access the electronic copy of today's Houston Chronicle
  • Patent and Trademark Database - free web
    (U.S. Patent & Trademark Office) United States patents, trademarks, abstracts, full-text and images available.
  • ThomasNet® free web
    (Thomas Publishing Company) Includes Thomas Register® and Thomas Regional® and is a comprehensive online resource for finding companies and products manufactured in North America. Free registration is required to view company records.
  • Yahoo! Finance incl. Historical Stock Prices - free web
    (Commodity Systems, Inc. (CSI)/Hemscott Americas) Search for a company by name or ticker symbol. On the company's page, click "Historical Data" in the options row. Select a date range and specify daily, weekly, monthly or dividend information. View the resulting table and/or download it to a spreadsheet.
  • Historical Stock Quotes-Big Charts - free web
    (MarketWatch, Inc./Dow Jones & Company) Allows users to input a company's stock symbol and find high/low/closing stock prices for currently-traded companies from 1970 to the present.
  • Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance - free web
    (General Services Administration) Comprehensive listing of assistance programs administered by 57 Federal Agencies.

Note to Faculty

Are you a faculty member teaching courses in this subject? If so, you can recommend resources for this guide or request a course or assignment specific guide by contacting the librarian, at